The act of baptism can be defined as an outward expression of an inner change. Baptism is an act of public confession that we have chosen to know, love, and follow Jesus. It is also symbol of the new life we receive when we accept God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus. Baptism represents that our old life of sin is washed away, and we are raised out of the water into a new life, RECLAIMED by God and repurposed for His glory.
Once we have chosen to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ, baptism illustrates that our broken and sinful life has been RECLAIMED by God, and we have been given a new life with a new purpose to bring glory to God. (Romans 6:4; 2 Corinthians 5:17)
Baptism does not make you a Christian. Baptism is a demonstration that you believe: Jesus is the son of God; He lived a perfect life; He was sent by God to pay the death penalty of our sin; and after His death, was raised back to life three days later. Upon accepting God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus, baptism is an act of obedience for those who choose a life defined by knowing, loving, and following Jesus Christ. It is important to understand that baptism does not "save" you. The Bible says that salvation is available to anyone who by faith believes in their heart that Jesus is who He says He is, and confesses with their mouth that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-11)
Jesus was baptized by immersion. (Mark 1:1-11; Matthew 3:13-17) We practice baptism to follow the example Jesus gave us in scripture and because He commanded it. The Greek word “baptize” means “to immerse or dip under water.” We baptize by immersion.
As soon as you have decided to trust Jesus with your life by knowing, loving, and following Him, you can and should be baptized. If you are waiting until you are perfect, you will never be ready. (Acts 8:36-38)
If you have questions about salvation or baptism, Venture’s Salvation & Baptism Booklet (available below) is a written guide to walk you through an understanding of who God is and what He did for us.
Every person who has believed in Jesus Christ should be baptized. If you are a follower of Christ and have not been baptized since you began following Christ, we would love to celebrate baptism with you! Click the button below and a member of our team will follow up with you.