Transitioning from high school to adulthood is a unique season of life that can come with a lot of fun and a lot of stress. For many, it’s a season full of changes and decisions that make up the path a person’s life will take. It can be overwhelming and exciting all at the same time. If this is your season of life right now, don’t try to figure it out on your own. At Venture, we believe it is important for everyone to invest in community - to do life with others who are going through the same things that you are while seeking growth in your relationship with the Lord. We want Venture College to be that place for you to find your community.
The Gathering meets WEEKLY on Sunday nights at The Lincoln Road Campus, with strategically-placed rest weeks. The Gathering will start each night at 7:30 p.m.
A typical night at The Gathering will look like spending time connecting with one another, hearing authentic teaching, and diving deeper into God’s Word with others in small groups. Once a month, our Venture Worship team will join us and lead a time of worship at The Gathering. All college-aged young adults (18-25 year-olds) are invited.
Check out the Fall 2023 dates for The Gathering below!
Sunday, August 20 - The Gathering Fall Launch
Sunday, August 27 - The Gathering
Sunday, September 3 - Rest Week (No Gathering)
Sunday, September 10 - The Gathering
Sunday, September 17 - The Gathering
Sunday, September 24 - The Gathering
Sunday, October 1 - The Gathering
Sunday, October 8 - The Gathering
Sunday, October 15 - The Gathering
Sunday, October 22 - Venture Worship Live Album Recording @ 6 pm. (Learn More!)
Sunday, October 29 - The Gathering
Sunday, November 5 - The Gathering
Sunday, November 12 - The Gathering
Sunday, November 19 - The Gathering
Sunday, November 26 - Rest Week (No Gathering)
Sunday, December 3 - The Gathering
Reset will take place January 12-14, 2024. Reset is going to be an incredible weekend that provides college students with an opportunity to step away from the busy-ness and stress of day-to-day life, intentionally reflect on their relationship with the Lord, and walk with Him into the new year with renewed faith.
The registration cost is $45 and includes all lodging and meals for the weekend. All students who attend will meet together at The Lincoln Road Campus and travel together to Harvest Ministries, located outside of Columbia, Mississippi. We can’t wait for you to join us for Reset!
In Spring 2023, Venture College will be partnering with BMDMI for a week-long mission trip to Honduras. The trip will be specifically designed for college-aged young-adults (18-25 year-olds) to attend. If you are interested in joining us on the Venture College Mission Trip, please fill out the interest form below. You will get more information from us in the coming weeks and be contacted once registration opens!
Please note that submitting this information does not require or guarantee you a place on the Mission Trip. This information is gathered only for planning purposes. Official registration will open soon; by filling this form out you will be on the notification list.