“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” - 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
The Bible teaches us that when we come to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ, we become part of a family - the body of Christ. Just like our own bodies are made up of many different interdependent parts, both small and large, with different but important functions, the body of Christ is made up of people with a variety of strengths designed to work together to glorify God, impact others, and expand Heaven.
why we serve?
We are never more like Jesus than when we give of ourselves by serving others with the gifts God has given to us. Elevating the needs of someone else above our own desires is the truest picture of a God-like love and makes a lasting impact on the other person. Not only that, but our deposit into eternity yields dividends on earth - a soul filled with true purpose, joy, and life!
HOW we serve?
We believe that when we practice awareness and make ourselves available, we will see that God places opportunities around us and in front of us on a regular basis to love our neighbors and make a difference in their lives.
whO we serve?
Your “neighbor” begins with your circle of influence including your immediate family, coworkers, friends, acquaintances, and even people you encounter along the way.
With more than a dozen ministry areas supported by volunteers, finding a serving role on a Venture Impact Team where you can use your gifts is easy. Impact Team is simply the name we give to the hundreds of volunteers who serve in a multitude of roles to ensure that Sunday worship experiences and a variety of other ministries happen across our campuses every week.
This team is responsible for creating Venture’s unique culture, designed to ensure guests feel welcomed, valued, and accepted.
Next Gen encompasses Venture Kids (birth-5th grade), Venture Students (6th-12th grade), and Venture College (adults aged 18-25). For those who serve in one of these ministry areas, the goal is to create environments for the next generation to grow in knowing, loving, and following Jesus Christ.
Serving opportunities with Creative Arts include Venture Production, Venture Worship, and Venture Studio. While Venture Production and Venture Studio work behind the scenes to create excellent worship experiences and capture photos and video footage that tells the story of life transformation, Venture Worship leads our church family in developing a lifestyle of worship through music.
Central teams work behind-the-scenes to support various ministry areas. Areas where serving opportunities exists include the Facilities Team, Safety Team, Information Technology Team, Church Online Team, and Communications Team.
When we come to know, love, and follow Christ, we become part of a faith family - the body of Christ. And, just like our own bodies are made up of many different but interdependent parts, both small and large, with different but important functions, the body of Christ is made up of people with a variety of strengths designed to work together to impact eternity.
Taking a spiritual gifts assessment can be a first step in learning more about the gifts God has given you and how you’ve been wired to contribute to the body of Christ.