SUNDAYS AT 9:30 & 11:00 A.M.



4142 Lincoln Road
Hattiesburg, MS 39402



First Baptist Church of Hattiesburg, MS, was founded in 1884. It moved to several different locations in downtown Hattiesburg over the next seventy years, and in 1953, called West Pine Street home. In 2007, the church began to feel God’s pull to property located on Lincoln Road. At the time, the only way to get to the property was by an all-terrain vehicle or helicopter, but in faith, the church knew that God had a plan.

On the night that the church voted to purchase this property, it was announced that a new bridge was being built. This bridge would not only give access to what would become The Lincoln Road Campus, but the campus would be situated on a major thoroughfare.

First Hattiesburg, which would soon after change its name to Venture Church, officially moved to The Lincoln Road Campus in October of 2009. This new campus gave the church room to grow - to lead thousands more to know, love, and follow Christ. Though the journey has had many twists and turns, we know that God is not done using Venture Church to reclaim lives throughout South Mississippi. We can’t wait to see what the next chapter in the story will bring!